Who's Looking After You?

Thursday 20th March 2025

9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Empower yourself to make the most of 2025, whatever your circumstances!

JOIN us for a morning of relaxed networking and chat for this unique opportunity to interact with ‘health and wellness’ businesses on our doorstep!  As the restaurant will be busy, we'd recommend booking a table if you're planning to stay and have something to eat and drink.


Restoring Health, Chart Sutton:  www.restoring-health.co.uk
Caroline's Organics:  www.uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/carolinedesouza
Move Into Yoga with Hannah:  www.moveintoyogawithhannah.com
Rachel Gold Meditation:  www.rachelgoldmeditation.com
Sophie from Zinzino:  www.zinzino.com